The Amateur Magazine
The amateur magazine

Concept and design of a monothematic photography magazine. The amateur is a large-format magazine for contemporary photography. Each issue is curated around a specific topic to which the works of established artists and newcomers relate visually or in terms of content. The photo series are complemented by artistic or editorial texts on the topic. Contributing artists are David LaChapelle, Ralf Brueck and Willy Moser. We also made the magazine digitally available through its augmented reality app. Making-of videos, interactive graphics as well as artistic digital interpretations and media art lead even deeper into the issue topic. The theme of the beta issue #0.5 is the »earth overshoot day 2019« and its related drama of human resource consumption.

Jan Wischermann at
Pretty on point
David LaChapelle,
Willy Moser
Projekt Typ
Projekt Suche