LaB K Infodesk
Lab K
Lab K Info-
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Mobile exhibition furniture
Lab K
Kunsthaus NRW
Concept and design of a mobile exhibition system for »Landesbüro für Bildende Kunst« and the »Kunsthaus NRW«. A stand-and-roll furniture consisting of perforated base plates offers a flexible system for communication and information about the activities and messages of the two institutions through the use of pluggable surface and shelf modules. The use of tablets and headphones allows access to the museum’s online collection and the LaB K information platform.
redbeard interior
Projekt Typ
Projekt Suche