Miniaturbiennale Düsseldorf
Miniaturbiennale 2022
nale 2022

Models play an important role in artistic production. Many large-scale projects are initially created on a small scale before they are realized on the scale intended for them. This is mostly for pragmatic reasons. Many constraints that exist in reality are undermined in the model. In this way, ideas and thought experiments that cannot be easily realized due to size, cost, safety risks, or other limitations can be vividly put up for debate. Models are used for experimentation in the studio, but also as a form of presentation for communicating ideas. It is therefore no coincidence that the aesthetics of the model-like, especially since the artistic neo-avant-gardes, has itself become a field of interest for artistic reflection.

Model railroad layouts can be understood as a representation of a – often romantically transfigured – idea of reality. Exemplary in their design are the model railroad automatons of the Düsseldorf company Werner Ehret, which have been in many porches of German train stations for more than 50 years. Despite their outdated technology and increasing disappearance from public spaces, they are still places of longing in many children’s and adults’ hearts. Under the motto A World To Work With, 12 artists have now been invited to engage with this world, to use it, to question it and to change it.

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